Before Matt and I had met, we were travelers. Since leaving school, the longest I'd lived in one place was a year. As many who have traveled would understand, it's addictive!

We met in sad circumstances and at the end of a travel era we had both experienced separately before meeting. We were then married and having our first baby within two years of meeting! The only adventures we experienced as a couple were some memorable camping trips. They were truly wonderful! I love camping. I love the way it makes us all get back to basics. I also find I go to sleep earlier and the toasty warmth of the camp fire and fresh air relax me.

We have both talked about traveling Australia with a caravan and our troopy for the past few years. It doesn't feel as easy to leave the comfort and security of  home as it once did in those freedom years! All of a sudden we need to be responsible for two little people and know that we can support them and ourselves whilst on the road. By that I don't just mean financially. Their needs for comfort and security are important to me and I hope we can meet them while traveling. Matt has no doubt about this one. He knows we will meet lots of traveling families on our adventure and I know this is true, but it's still scray stepping out of our comfort zone and leaving our beautiful friends here.

So what happens when two traveling hearts meet and become a family of four? The traveling hearts double ... hopefully?! Jedda is a natural traveler and adapts to new situations easily, but Tully likes his home comforts. Including the king size bed we share! He doesn't like being in the car which has made long trips a challenge, but we figure (read; hope) we can stop whenever we need to, as there will be no deadlines to arrive anywhere on time. So some days we might only conquer an hour or two and that is OK.

We have finally given ourselves a time to leave and at this stage are hoping to head south in October (we live in Port Macquarie). No date as yet, a month is big enough for us at the moment! There is so much to organise in the next few months but I like having a project to work on.

I'm excited!!!


    My name is Ali. I'm a vegetarian mama to Jedda (4) and Tully (2) and wife to a bearded man. Thank~you for joining me on this part of my journey as a mother.


    July 2013
    June 2013
    May 2013



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